Hi it's the Berdugo's. We just moved to Utah and so far are loving it. We are making friends quickly and there are lots of old friends here too. We miss our California and New York family's very much. Mauricio is loving his new job.
I am hoping to keep up my next go with P90X so I started a blog and hopefully will be able to update it daily with my progress. We will see how it goes!! seejilllift.blogspot.com
The very rare opportunity to photo our girls actually getting a long. Actually that hug picture-I had just broken them up from Afton tackling Izzy. They were willing to do a nice hug!!
Oh yes the long awaited dirty dumbo story. Well I have been meaning to put this up and Afton erased the picture I had originally taken. So we lost our third dumbo in the process so the result is a partial picture.
Around May I think, my mom, Johanna, Owen, Afton, Izzy and I went down to southern Cali to visit Jenn, Steve and the kids. Afton had found these small rubbery animals Lauren had got from a pizza place we go to every time we are out there. So when we got there I decided to buy her one. Well we got two elephants and 3 cows. One had a blanket on his back. Well, Lauren explained to Afton that two of the dumbo's were Afton's, but the other was Laurens. Lauren then told Afton that the dirty one was hers. So from there on out there was dirty dumbo, clean dumbo, and blanket dumbo. We lost clean dumbo, but we still have dirty dumbo and blanket dumbo. I guess you had to be there, but it took us a while to figure out why she was calling the little toy-dirty dumbo.
So it was our first weekend in Salt Lake so we decided to take the girls to the temple. They had a great time and we got a few pictures with them and us, but for the most part they goofed off and loved it. It was Saturday so there was a TON of weddings going on. A little crazy!?!
For the most part they just wanted to see the fountains. All we kept hearing was we want to see the water!!
Afton was confused when we left the visitors center. We took the girls up the walk way to see the Christus. So since that is was she usually goes to see in Oakland as we were leaving she said-mommy, I want to go back to Utah-hahaha. Now every time I say lets go home she says-I want to go to my new house. I don't know when it will just be home and not her new house-haha.
So I usually give the girls some kind of treat. This day was a cupcake. These silly girls as you can see Afton does-well, okay. However you can see Izzy developed more of a chocolate beard. This one was tame compared to the one the day before-haha!
So this first one is just in front of our townhouse. It is a little of the view we have of the mountains. I will get a better picture later. I will have to take the girls out to the park on our complex-that is a nice view.
Here is our little town house. It is very nice and we love it. If you look really close you can see the bbq next to our door with the folders can on top that hold our neighbors cigarette butts and it is full to the brim with those-stinky!! Turns out there are only like 2 other tenants in our complex that are LDS and in our ward-crazy. I have heard SLC is only 48% LDS. Which is apparent walking around our Target-which is a Super Target by the way!!
So we did it. We made the move to Utah. I will be posting pictures of our views and the townhouse here soon.
So besides my family I will miss going to the beach with the girls. I was looking at pictures and realized-I am going to miss that. However this is a great move for our family. Mauricio has a great job and his ID now says Mauricio Berdugo MD. They are recognizing his degree-yay! He also likes the fact that his job title is research coordinator instead of medical assistant. The doctor is introducing him to all sorts of people that could help him get into a residency there. He is also getting to travel to Germany for a week the first week of October. Lucky duck. While he leaves his poor family back at home.
Thanks for all who helped in our move-especially mom and dad Harvey for driving with us all the way here and making sure we had at least the down stairs all unpacked. I cannot thank you enough for making that drive for us. Love you guys.
So here we start a new life. The girls have been okay so far. They love their new room and the fact that there is a park on our complex. I promise to get pictures up very soon.
I am a mother of four amazing kids. I love to workout, hang with friends and read. Other than that it is just me and Mauricio and our kids having a good time together.